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Government Surveillance and Interference This section contains the link to the FBI file of Charles Drago Sporer, which Paul Dennis Sporer obtained by FOIA, originally sending the request in Oct 2006, and finally receiving the redacted file in Jun 2007. Paul Dennis Sporer writes the following: Although my father's story is complex, I can state here that he was an independent scholar, a highly intelligent and persuasive individual, whose activities were secretly monitored for more than a decade and whose views and opinions were covertly censored by the American government. During his many years in America his only occupation was working as an accountant and manager at Pan American Airlines; he participated in Croatian activities, advocating a peaceful settlement to the nationalist issues in Yugoslavia. In his spare time, he wrote scholarly articles about Yugoslavia. Yet, his connections to important people in America and Europe, and his potential leadership capability, were evidently not acceptable to the American government. Even though he was innocent of any wrongdoing, and was never charged with a crime, he was treated like a criminal for his enlightened but non-conformist views. Please read the report carefully, and note a number of facts: the CIA was clearly involved in surveillance of my family (note references on a number of pages in the FBI file to a CIA letter), although a FOIA request to the CIA resulted in 'no files' about Sporer being found; many parts of the FBI report were censored, including a dozen entire pages, more than 40 years after the events had taken place; at one time no less than four of my father's 'friends' informed on him to the FBI; in the late 1960s, the FBI requested that he stop associating with any Yugoslav immigrants, clearly a form of censorship; after this, the FBI compelled my father to become a spy himself, directing him to attend Croatian Fascist meetings. This astonishing level of interventions occurred despite the fact that my father never held any government position, never handled classified documents, never belonged to any radical, Communist, Fascist, subversive or terrorist group. I can personally vouch that my father never violated any Federal laws, nor did he encourage others to do so. Paul Dennis Sporer has decided to make public this intriguing file, in order to show from a personal perspective the inner workings of the American Federal government, its paranoia, its deception, its disregard for the law, and its attempts at censorship. Note that at the time that this FOIA request was being processed and for 2 years after, Sporer's phone at home was illegally tapped, using a down-line tap (such a tap shows up on phone test equipment as a specific line signal about 25 sec after both parties hang up; video of this tap can be seen here). At the time he submitted the complaint about Sigma Xi, in March 2014, there were again attempts to tap his phone (details about this situation can be found here). Clearly, the surveillance continues. The complete FBI file is available here: Charles Drago Sporer FBI File (c) 2015 Paul Dennis Sporer also obtained through FOIA the FBI file of another Croatian immigrant, Bogdan Radica, who was considered the de facto leader of the Croatian emigre community in New York City. He was at one time an official in the Tito government after WWII, and then came to America, purportedly severing his ties with Communism. He became a writer and professor, and FBI informant, who ironically at the same time, was not trusted by the FBI. The complete FBI file is available here: Bogdan Radica FBI File (c) 2015 One of the more illuminating passages can be found in pages 79-82, where evidence can be found of the FBI's efforts to propagate the concept of the American government's infallibility and supremacy; Hoover, the Director of the FBI, and his agents also discuss ways to find those Americans who might speak against the government, and the methods they could use to silence dissent. Paul Dennis Sporer is the author of The Dimensions of Companionship; The Concept of Family; Liberating Love; and Equal but Different. He has also served as editor on more than 30 culturally and historically significant books, including Painting Explained, by Thomas Gullick; Is Secession Treason?, by Albert Bledsoe; The Heart of Aryavarta, by Lawrence Dundas; Beauty and Art; by Aldam Heaton; The French at Home, by Albert Rhodes; From Slave Cabin to Pulpit, by Peter Randolph; Newer Ideals of Peace, by Jane Addams; Views of Old Europe, by Bayard Taylor; Gentle Measures, by Jacob Abbott; Parental Influences, William Bacon; Finding a Way Out, by Robert Moton; The New Birth, by Austin Phelps; Tupelo, by John Hill Aughey; An Incident of Travel, by Arthur Jerome Eddy; End of an Era, by John Sergeant Wise; The Missionary, by Samuel Mazzuchelli; Half a Century, by Jane Swisshelm; Born Three Times, by Thomas L. Johnson; Dark Hollow, by Anna Katharine Green; and 1492: Admiral of the Ocean Sea, by Mary Johnston..